Tuesday, January 13, 2009

Another Knitting Update

I dyed my Fisherman's wool yesterday and today. Yesterday I dyed some yelow, and today I dyed some orange. Some tips about dyeing with Kool-Aid:

  • Yellow Kool-Aid won't work. Just use food coloring.
  • 3 packets of orange Kool-Aid opened at the same time smell gross. Like orange medicine. Yuch.
  • If you're dying as much as I did, you should add food coloring too.

I finished my lunchbox a while back, but I don't think I ever posted pictures. Here they are.

I finished Mom's mittens yesterday, but I can't take pictures of them because she wore them to work today.

EU is this weekend! I'm excited. I'm not sure how many people are going, but it'll be a good trip. I'll bring Dad's sweater to knit on the ride there and back. I'll probably get a lot done; it's a 4 hour drive to get there.

I made a hat for my mom.

I finished knitting my Quant today! I still need to block it and sew on the button, because I didn't have enough yarn for the i-cords. Pictures to come.

This will probably be the last time I post for a while, since I start classes Thursday and I have a busy weekend ahead of me.

1 comment:

Merenwen said...

That's a pretty bright shade of yellow! :)