These are the Cinderella socks. They turned out too big for me, but mom says that they fit her. I'll probably give them to her eventually. I like the picture with Mrs. Quigley. That wasn't intentional, she just happened to be walking by as I was taking the picture.
I finished Mrs. Darcy. I made it shorter, and it's a without sleeves, so it's a short vest.
I got a ravelry account, so I've been on there a lot here lately. I'm knitting Saranac for my dad. I have a grand total of 3 rounds knit. It's going to take a while. I'm also knitting Brown Bag so that I can have sometihing to carry my lunch in when I start college.
Christmas was last week. Mom and Dad gave me
- Knit To Be Square
- Beyond Basic Knitting
- cable holders
- point protectors
- a yarn cutter thingy
- $15 to be used at Yarn Company
- a shower radio
- interchangable needle set (yay!)
- thimbles for stranded knitting
- candy
- a couple of keychains
- a highlighter
- subscriptions to Knit Simple, Interweave Knits, and Vogue Knitting
- $20 that I used to buy rainboots
- fuzzy socks
Reuben gave me
- Hollywood Knits Style
Grandma gave me
- $10 that I used in conjunction with th money from mom to buy rainboots
At the gift swap we did at Aunt Barbara's house, I got
- A brown knit hat that's pretty cute
- A brown purse
I also got some pretty hair chopsticks made form camel bone from David Walker, which he got when he was in Africa, and a trial size perfume (that smells really good) from Aunt Barbara.
I'm almost finished with the New Testament for my 2008 Bible reading. I just have 13 more chapters of Revelation, and 11 more chapters of Romans. I know that I still have about 6 months of Old Testement left, but I think that I can finish it by my birthday.