Monday, December 22, 2008

A bunch of random paragraphs that don't really have anything to do with each other

I'm an alumnus! I have been since Thursday, but I didn't have anything else important to say, so I didn't post anything until now. I brought the sleeve of Mrs. Darcy to work on after the Econ exam, and Brittany and April seemed to be fascinated by it.
I finally finished the second Cinderella sock, but I don't have any pictures yet. They're a bit big, but my feet are pretty warm, so i guess it doesn't matter.
3 days until Christmas! It's supposed to be around 50 degrees, which is good because I'm hating the cold. According to Mom, it was 8 degrees this morning. When I checked the temp around 10:30ish, it was 16 degrees. When the temperature is lower than my age, there's a problem. And when I'm 90, I'll probably be saying that there's a problem when the temp is higher than my age.
Mrs. Quigley, my cat, is adorable. She has several different moods, including playful, attack-cat, sleeping, tired-but-fighting-sleep, and nursing. Yup, she likes to nurse on or hands. And clothing. It feels pretty weird. Right now, she's next to my laptop purring. By the way, she chewed through one of the strands of Christmas lights the other day, so now we're trying to keep her out from underneath the tree while the light are on, so that she doesn't get electrocuted or anything. She'll be in for a surprise on Christmas day.
I'm thinking about getting some rain boots.

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